Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Killa App

Does your office need a makeover? Well if it does, this FREE widget I found can definitely help you out. This widget provides useful information about how to “feng shui” your office.

I have already shared a lot of information of office interior design but this widget has even more to offer! It is not only a nice overview of topics I have addressed such as clutter and lighting, but also has new tips that will undeniably help improve any office space.

Before I delve into how I discovered this tool, let me address a question some of you might be wondering…what exactly is a widget? To put it simply, widgets are viral applications that can be shared on blogs or websites. There are even websites entirely devoted to offering different types of widgets. After browsing through the widgets offered on sites like widgetbox, it quickly becomes obvious that there is widget every topic imaginable.

Although this widget is available on sites like widgetbox, I found it at is a site that allows schools and health professionals to create profiles that promote their programs and represent their practices. is also the leading alternative health widget provider on social networks. This website offers powerful viral exposure for its’ members. To better understand how the website functions, watch this video…

People can easily share’s widgets on virtually EVERY social network available...

These social networks are powerful because they not only have millions of members, but they also continue to grow. In addition, over half of active users return daily. This picture below shows some of the other widgets has to offer.

So now that you know the background, you will be excited to hear that this particular widget is actually very easy to use. By clicking on either the images in the main picture, or the arrows located at the top right corner, you can read tips on how to improve your office. The topics addressed in this widget include: plants, storage and clutter, air, decoration, electrical equipment, furniture and even ergonomics.

Although ergonomics does not fall under the feng shui umbrella, an undeniable association between office ergonomics and office feng shui exists. Ergonomics is the study of how your body interacts with your environment when you perform a task or activity. Office ergonomics focuses on arranging your work environment to fit your needs while you do your job.

There are millions of widgets floating around on the Internet, and the key is to find the ones that offer information that is not only interesting but also helpful. What I like about this widget is that whether you work at home, in a cubicle or in a spacious corner office, this widget has information applicable to the many varieties of office environments.


Although I practically lectured you all about the office Feng Shui widget I found at, I truly believe that everyone can benefit from using this widget, especially if you are already interested in interior design. Think about it…if implementing a few Feng Shui guidelines to your office can make the difference between dreading your morning commute to looking forward to your career…why wouldn’t you make some simple changes? Although the task of redecorating an office may seem daunting, fear not! This widget it very straightforward and clearly outlines quick ways to effectively improve your office. In addition, it is not necessary to use every single bit of advice offered on the widget. Whether you use one tip, or all tips, every office can be enhanced. Simply pick and choose which aspects of Feng Shui and office ergonomics offered in the widget you want to apply and tah dah! You have a new and improved office!

While browsing through the various blogs on my blog roll, I came across an example in one of my favorite blogs that reveals how you can effectively pick and choose the information offered in this widget. Copy Cat Chic’s writer, ReichB, shared pictures of her home office with her readers and used a central characteristic of office ergonomics for the position of her computer.

As you can see in the picture, ReichB used a cake stand to keep her laptop at the appropriate eye level. Copy Cat Chic shows that you not only can pick and choose what aspects of this widget you want to apply, but you can also infuse your own personal style while doing it. If you want to learn more about office ergonomics, click on the image of the person sitting at the computer on the widget.

Even though there has been some skepticism surrounding office ergonomics, evident from these cartoons below, it has overall been successfully accepted as a method to positively improve an office environment. As more people become knowledgeable on the topic of office Feng Shui and ergonomics, the less questionable people become and fewer eyebrows are raised.

These cartoons should not be considered limitations or in any way decrease the validity of the widget because these cartoons are a product of people not being well informed on the immense power Feng Shui and ergonomics can have. Therefore, these cartoons should be viewed as inspiration for producing even more widgets on Feng Shui and ergonomics to further inform others. As of now, this widget is the ONLY one offering information on this topic. And although this widget provides ample amounts of information to improve your office, there is even more information just waiting for you to convert it into another helpful widget. For example, there could be a widget that focuses entirely on color. An article titled, Work Got You Down? It Might Be Your Chi: Bring Positive Energies to Your Office with Feng Shui, discusses the area of color in detail. For even more information on Feng Shui, check out a book titled, Interior Design With Feng Shui by Sarah Rossbach and Lin Yun.

This widget should not only inspire others to create other feng shui widgets but also other types of interior design widgets. Interior design is a creative field, so use those creative minds to ultimately help out others! How awesome would it be if there was a widget that could help you choose an appropriate color scheme for your home? And remember, interior design is not limited to the indoors… there could even be a widget about landscaping! Clearly, the possibilities are endless. Check out if you have an idea for an interior design widget. This site allows people to set up an account for FREE and build your on widget.

As you know, interior design blogs constantly refer to other interior designers’ work by posting pictures or referencing articles. Now just imagine how useful it would be if interior designers created widgets with helpful information about their design tools or rules. These widgets could then be shared and posted on blogs.

So go on, use those creative juices and create a widget. Who knows, maybe I will be raving about your widget just as I have been raving about this widget…


So hopefully you have all tried and now love the awesome widget I found about office Feng Shui and ergonomics. This widget offers both helpful and easy tips to help improve your office environment. When the advice given is as simple as fixing the position of your computer or placing a plant in the corner of the room, how can you not take it!

In case you have any doubts or questions, I have made a presentation that will explain what the widget has to offer, and hopefully entice you to actually use it.

Whether you own your own business and work at home, or work for a major corporation on the 56th floor of a teetering skyscraper...this widget can help! So check out my presentation and find discover the benefits of office Feng Shui and ergonomics.

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